Social networking technologies can be used to connect people all around the world in which Facebook, Twitter and Youtube has done throughout the years. It provides platforms where your content can reach your audience and other people furthering your engagement views. Social networking allows you to market and brand yourself granting more exposure using your profile. In the article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", companies have an easier time to find the candidates they're looking for which saves time. The text states, "Using Linkedin, Steckerl says he can scout a group of job candidates in just half an hour. But if he wants to develop a relationship with any of them, he says there is no substitute for a much older social networking tool: the telephone." Social networking is one of the quickest ways to reach people therefore attract their attention. An example is today more than ever, influencers and celebrities are using their platforms to encourage people to vote in this upcoming election. In the article "How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power", his idea to use social media created a big influence during his campaign. The text states, "by bolting together social networking applications under the banner of a movement, they created an unforeseen force to raise money, organize locally, fight smear campaigns and get out the vote that helped them topple the Clinton machine and then John McCain and the Republicans. Also, you are also able to keep up to date faster through social networking because not many people are using newspapers as much. There is duality when it comes to social media because of clickbait content and rapid speed of false information. It's very true in this day and age when you can't believe everything you see on the Internet. I believe technologies in the future will evolve with the use of robotics especially in the workplace, virtual reality might grow and the potential of having Internet access for all globally.
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